PBS KIDS Go! was an educational television brand created by PBS for programs aimed at early elementary-age children. The PBS KIDS Go! brand was used on air and online from 2004 to 2013. In 2012, spurred to action by the explosion of the mobile web by our 14 million monthly users, we transitioned from Flash to HTML. This conversion lays the groundwork for a mobile-first approach to web design for PBS KIDS. The modular CMS-driven design allowed for rapid content refreshing and greater flexibility for users to find what they wanted faster. Although the framework for the PBS KIDS GO! site has never been complex (videos, games, shows), the pure amount of content we have could be daunting to sort through as a user.
Again, Shout out to my coworker Renzo Olguin, a development wizard who was my crime partner for the PBS KIDS GO! project.
Come and take a deeper dive into the creative process behind these PBS KIDS GO homepage takeovers.